
My First Experience Traveling Internationally: A Corporate Trip to Thessaloniki, Greece

By Linda Rubio

Traveling abroad for the first time? It’s a rollercoaster of excitement, nerves, and a splash of uncertainty. My debut trip abroad wasn’t just a new stamp on my passport—it was a pivotal moment in both my professional and personal life.

Last November, I embarked on a journey from Bucaramanga, Colombia, to Thessaloniki, Greece, for a business event that felt like the pinnacle of my career. As I gear up for my second adventure this year to Italy, I can’t help but look back at that first trip with a heart full of memories and a treasure trove of experiences to share.

Preparations and First Steps

As a Venezuelan living in Colombia, using my passport for the first time felt like summoning a rare boss in a game—daunting but thrilling. Tales of airport hassles were my personal boogeymen, but I was ready to face them head-on. Leaving Bucaramanga, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement, stopping in Bogotá, then Madrid, and finally landing in Athens before reaching my final destination: Thessaloniki.

Standing in the Bogotá airport, my heart pounded like a drum solo in a rock concert. It was my first time leaving the continent, and the fear of the unknown was intense. But the allure of attending an international event was too strong to resist. The entire process was surprisingly smooth—none of the complications I feared materialized. My anxiety turned out to be the only hurdle.

The Journey

The Flight from Bogotá to Madrid

The flight from Bogotá to Madrid was a marathon—around ten hours of airborne adventure. The longest flight I’d taken before was a quick 45-minute hop from Maracaibo to Caracas, so this was a whole new level. As we soared over the Atlantic, my initial anxiety gave way to awe. To keep calm, I turned to my favorite companions: music, my Nintendo Switch (yep, this geek gamed her way across the ocean), and some good old-fashioned sleep. The flight crew was fantastic; they picked up on my nerves and went above and beyond, regularly checking in, offering water, and making sure I was comfortable. Their kindness made the trip smoother and more enjoyable.

Layover in Madrid

Arriving in Madrid, I had a five-hour layover the perfect opportunity to explore the massive airport that seemed fascinating for a newbie like me. I indulged in a great meal and soaked in the new surroundings, feeling a mix of freedom and excitement with every step. During my layover, I also took the opportunity to observe the hustle and bustle of international travel. Watching people from all walks of life, each with their own stories and destinations, was incredibly inspiring. It was a reminder of the vastness of the world and the countless possibilities that lay ahead.

Arrival in Greece

From Madrid, it was a shorter flight to Athens. Despite lingering nerves and the language barrier, I was welcomed by the incredibly friendly Greeks (seriously, they’re awesome!). Many spoke English, making it easier to navigate and even learn a few handy Greek phrases. I sipped on Greek coffee and tried to get a feel for the language, which sounded intriguingly different at first.

Finally, I boarded the last leg of my journey to Thessaloniki. There aren’t many direct flights to Thessaloniki, so Athens is a common stop. After over 20 hours of travel, I arrived at night, greeted by the charming sight of a pier illuminated by city lights.

In Thessaloniki

In Thessaloniki, I was greeted at the hotel. I had dinner, took a shower, and rested, preparing myself for the next three days of the event. Initially, I had planned to go for a walk to explore the city right after arriving, but the exhaustion from over 20 hours of travel hit me harder than my own curiosity and thirst for exploration. I had to admit defeat and let myself rest for that night.

The next day, the jet lag hit me like a ton of bricks. I fought hard to stay awake all day, even committed to going to bed past ten, a useful tip my boss gave me that worked magic to stabilize my schedule and made me have a better day the following day. Waking up in Thessaloniki the second morning was surreal. The city had a unique charm that made me feel both excited and at ease. The blend of ancient history and modern life was captivating, and every corner I turned offered something new and fascinating.

The event itself was a whirlwind of activity. I had the opportunity to connect with professionals from around the world, exchange ideas, and gain new insights into the industry. The sessions were informative and inspiring, leaving me with a wealth of knowledge to bring back to my team.

On the last night, I had the chance to walk around and learn more about the city. This experience was very endearing to me, so much so that I feel Thessaloniki is a city that I carry in my heart, probably for a long time. Being my first international destination, it left a lasting impression on my life. Wandering through the charming streets, I felt a profound connection to this beautiful city and I definitely have to go back one day.

Final Reflections

The return trip was much smoother. Familiarity with the route made each layover and boarding less nerve-wracking. I even had coffee with a friend during a layover, a testament to my newfound confidence. International travel can be overwhelming, but staying calm, prepared, and open to the experience is key.

Tips for Traveling Abroad

From my experience, here are some tips for first-time travelers:

  • Make a List: Essential for not forgetting anything important.
  • Organize Your Luggage: Keep essentials in your carry-on for easy access.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bring an empty water bottle to refill.
  • Snacks: Pack small snacks for hunger pangs.
  • Entertainment and Connectivity: Headphones and a power bank are lifesavers. Ensure you have a working phone line or an in-flight connection.
  • Be Organized with Your Schedule: Set reminders to stay on track and calm.

Embracing the Adventure

This trip not only boosted my career but also changed my view on international travel. Despite initial fears, I discovered a welcoming world and learned to trust my abilities more. Working for a travel company, I’m glad I got to experience firsthand what many new travelers feel—the mix of excitement and anxiety. Overcoming those fears gave me a new perspective and now, I can personally support others on their first journeys around the world.

Encouragement for New Travelers

For those taking their first international steps, embrace the journey. Traveling is about more than new places—it’s about connecting with people, learning about cultures, and discovering yourself. With Globe Guides, you’re never alone. Pack your bags, trust the adventure, and create lifelong memories.


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